Morning Educational Seminars

Morning Educational Seminars

Once per month we have a formal meeting at our offices at the Carroll Nonprofit Center. Enjoy networking opportunities and engaging speakers with topics that interest tech folks.  We bring in ‘experts’ on various topics to provide insight and suggestions to the audience.

Past topics have included:

  • How to survive Windows XP in a non-support environment
  • BYOD/ MDM (Bring your Own Device/ Mobile Device Management)
  • Introduction to Self-Publishing
  • Auto-Tech
  • Ag-Tech
  • LinkedIn for Business
  • Cybersecurity
  • Getting the Most out of Social Media
  • Identity Theft
  • And many more

Check out our calendar for more information on upcoming Educational Seminars. 

IGNITE Carroll


What is Ignite?  Ignite is a “geek” event in over 100 cities worldwide.  At the events, Ignite presenters share their personal and professional passions, using 20 slide that auto-advance every 15 seconds for a total of just five minutes.  “Enlighten Us, But Make It Quick!”

IGNITE Carroll was launched in January 2013 and is sponsored by the Carroll Technology & Innovation Council.  Since that time, we’ve hosted additional other IGNITE Carroll events at the Carroll Arts Center in Westminster Maryland.

The presentations have varied over the years… some serious, some comical, but all very enlightening!
Check them out:
Ignite Carroll 1

Ignite Carroll 2

Ignite Carroll 4

Ignite Carroll 5

Ignite Carroll 6