Where are we going? And, who is taking us there?
We announced Jack and Diana joining the CTIC Team – two digital navigators with the American Connection Corps. What does a digital navigator do, you might be wondering? A digital navigator is a trusted guide who plays a crucial role in assisting community members in internet adoption and the use of computing devices, building relationships with partners and organizations and emphasizing the strengths of the community in the process.
Jack and Diana are here to help community members acquire affordable internet access, obtain suitable devices, and develop digital skills and intentional relationships with technology – digital inclusion work. Well-versed with digital equity resources, they empower individuals to leverage technology towards their ambitions.
Our digital navigators will be working on an asset map with digital inclusion resources in Carroll County. This asset map will include the digital inclusion programs the Carroll Technology and Innovation Council is developing, along with the work of our partners. Any organization can be orient their work towards digital equity as resource access and online collaboration can progress many goals.
On a typical day, our digital navigators can work on a variety of tasks including
- Planning or delivering instruction at a Senior Planet event
- In partnership with the University of Maryland Extension, we work in collaboration with Senior Planet to deliver workshops, lectures, and courses that progress the unique goals and ambitions of participants.
- Senior Planet programs are designed around five impact areas: financial security, social engagement, creative expression, health and wellness, and civic participation. These areas represent opportunities in the lives of older adults where technology can have a transformative effect. In essence, the programming invites participants to learn through technology – instead of just having them learn technology for its own merit and without relevant applications integrated into the instruction.
- Communicating with a Veteran as part of the Veterans Transition to Technology program
- The Veterans Transition to Technology programming is designed to assist in digital equity and inclusion efforts in Maryland by addressing the challenges our veterans face when seeking work and support. We provide them with the technology, training, and partnership needed to successfully navigate an increasingly digital world.
- Attending a digital equity training session
- Researching a blog or building digital equity resources
- Creating or attending device distribution events
- Planning community action days
- Mark those calendars for upcoming Electronic Waste Management events
- Dec 4 – McDaniel College
- Jan 13 – Carroll County location beyond Westminster, TBD
- Mark those calendars for upcoming Electronic Waste Management events
Digital Navigators are vital in our community to keep all community members connected. Connect with Diana at diana@carrolltechcouncil.org or jack@carrolltechcouncil.org today!
Word Bank:
Digital equity is when all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society.
The digital divide is what prevents interactions among and between communities and prevents participation and opportunity in all areas of life.
Digital inclusion refers to the intentional activities and investments that work to reduce and eliminate historical, institutional, and structural barriers to access and use of technology for all individuals and communities.