Carroll County STEM

Looking for Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math activities in Carroll County, MD? Thanks to an area-wide collaboration, this is your “one-stop shop” for STEM opportunities within the county. Whether you are a student looking to join a robotics team or a professional in a STEM field looking to volunteer as a mentor, you’ve come to the right place.

Diverse community partners have come together to make it easy to navigate our local STEM scene. Our hope is that the information here will help you find the STEM opportunity that is just right for you!


The Carroll Technology & Innovation Council has a long history of supporting Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) activities in the Carroll County Public Schools, at Carroll Community College, and in the community at large. There is immense value in our community’s local technology education and robotics opportunities.

In recognition of STEM education and immersion being useful for the individuals involved and impactful for our community’s workforce development, the CTIC contributes direct student scholarships, sponsors robotics’ clubs and events, and boosts the messaging of our STEM education partners in the community via our newsletter, social media, and in-person presence.

Check out the opportunities for youth participants and mentors below, as well as upcoming STEM events. Look out for deeper involvement opportunities these channels or ask CTIC directly about the opportunity to volunteer in judging and support roles in robotic events.

Youth Opportunities

If you’re a student, check out local robotics clubs and other ongoing STEM opportunities.

Mentoring Opportunities

Youth programs are in constant need of qualified STEM professionals to serve in mentoring roles, see how you can help.

Upcoming Events

Check out STEM events and activities for community members of all ages.

Carroll County STEM Resources